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Commodore BASIC  |  1988-01-01  |  2.9 KB  |  95 lines

  1. 0 ifa=.thenpoke55,209:poke56,135:clr:a=1
  2. 1 ifa=1thena=2:load"cs.ml1",8,1
  3. 2 ifa=2thena=3:load"cs.ml2",8,1
  4. 3 z=6:z1=6:printchr$(142)"[147]":poke34847,6:poke34848,6
  5. 4 gosub168:poke650,128
  6. 6 sys49152:gosub104:printchr$(147)
  7. 8 sys49574:b=peek(782):h=peek(781)
  8. 10 ifb>39thenb=b-40:goto10
  9. 12 ifb>40thenh=h-1
  10. 14 g=h*40+1024:b=b+g:c=54272+b:ifpeek(b)=32thenpokec,peek(646)
  11. 16 d=peek(b):e=d:f=128:ifd>127thenf=-f
  12. 18 e=e+f:pokeb,e:f=-f
  13. 20 geta$:gosub32
  14. 22 ifpeek(214)=24thengosub28
  15. 24 ifa$<>""thenpokeb,d:printa$;:goto8
  16. 26 goto18
  17. 28 ifa$=chr$(13)ora$=chr$(17)ora$=chr$(141)thena$=""
  18. 30 return
  19. 32 ifa$>chr$(132)anda$<chr$(141)thengosub88
  20. 34 ifa$=chr$(133)thensys49588:poke49646,z:poke49647,z1:gosub62
  21. 36 ifa$=chr$(137)thensys49622:gosub64:a$=""
  22. 38 ifa$=chr$(134)thensys49261:a$=""
  23. 40 ifa$=chr$(138)thensys49366:a$=""
  24. 42 ifa$=chr$(135)thensys49486:a$=""
  25. 44 ifa$=chr$(139)thengosub122
  26. 46 ifa$=chr$(136)thengoto66
  27. 48 ifa$=chr$(140)thengosub78
  28. 50 ifa$=chr$(2)thenz=z+1:poke53280,z:ifz>15thenz=0
  29. 52 ifa$=chr$(22)thenz1=z1+1:poke53281,z1:ifz1>15thenz1=0
  30. 54 if p=1thenp=0:d=peek(b)
  31. 56 poke212,.:return
  32. 58 sys49152:poke53280,z+1:forx=0to99:next
  33. 59 poke53280,z:poke34847,z:poke34848,z1
  34. 60 return
  35. 62 poke53280,z+1:forx=0to100:nextx:poke53280,z:return
  36. 64 z=peek(49646):z1=peek(49647):poke53280,z:poke53281,z1:return
  37. 66 gosub58
  38. 68 printchr$(147)chr$(18)chr$(5)chr$(17)"load"chr$(146)chr$(17)
  39. 70 poke53280,6:poke53281,6
  40. 72 gosub90:ifok$<>"y"thengosub168:sys49217:goto48
  41. 74 sys49537:sys49579:ift$="d"thengosub236
  42. 76 sys34770:z=peek(34847):z1=peek(34848):d=peek(b):p=0:goto24
  43. 78 gosub58:poke53280,6:poke53281,6
  44. 80 printchr$(147)chr$(5):printchr$(18)"save"chr$(146)
  45. 82 gosub90:ifok$<>"y"thengosub168:sys49217:return
  46. 84 sys49537:sys49556:ift$="d"thengosub236
  47. 86 sys34770:return
  48. 88 pokeb,d:p=1:return
  49. 90 input"enter file name";n$:iflen(n$)>16then90
  50. 92 input"(t)ape or (d)isk";t$:ift$<>"t"andt$<>"d"then92
  51. 94 input"ok to continue (y/n)";ok$:ifok$<>"y"thengosub168:sys49217:return
  52. 96 if t$="t"thenpoke49540,1
  53. 98 if t$="d"thenpoke49540,8
  54. 100 l=len(n$):fork=1tol:poke52223+k,asc(mid$(n$,k,1)+chr$(0)):next
  55. 101 poke49547,l
  56. 102 printchr$(147):return
  57. 104 forx=0to4:print:next:printchr$(5)spc(8)"custom  screen  designer"
  58. 105 print"            by stephen rodda"
  59. 110 forx=1144to1183:pokex,42:pokex+54272,3:next
  60. 112 forx=1544to1583:pokex,42:pokex+54272,3:next
  61. 114 forx=0to4:print:next
  62. 115 printchr$(5)spc(6)"[145][145][145]do you want instructions (y/n)"
  63. 116 geta$:ifa$="y"thenprintchr$(147):gosub124:return
  64. 118 ifa$="n"thenreturn
  65. 120 sys49486:forx=0to200:next:goto116
  66. 122 gosub58:printchr$(147)
  67. 124 poke53280,6:poke53281,6:poke212,0
  68. 126 printchr$(19)chr$(5)"f 1 - memorizes the screen"
  69. 128 print"f 2 - recalls the memorized screen"
  70. 130 print"f 3 - flips the screen on the x axis"
  71. 132 print"f 4 - flips the screen on the y axis"
  72. 134 print"f 5 - reverses characters on the screen"
  73. 136 print"f 6 - displays this help screen"
  74. 138 print"f 7 - loads a previously saved screen"
  75. 140 print"f 8 - saves the screen to disk or tape"
  76. 142 print"ctrl + b - changes the border color"
  77. 144 print"ctrl + v - changes the background color"
  78. 146 printspc(7)"press any key to continue":wait197,4
  79. 148 printchr$(147):print"to create a screen, you may use any of"
  80. 150 print"the letters, numbers, or graphics"
  81. 152 print"characters on the keyboard. all the"
  82. 154 print"keys, such as the cursor and inst/del"
  83. 156 print"keys, will behave as they should."
  84. 158 print"to change the color of the cursor,"
  85. 160 print"use the standard ctrl key with a number"
  86. 162 print"key, or the commodore key with a number"
  87. 164 printspc(7)"press any key to continue":wait197,4
  88. 166 sys34770:poke198,0:printchr$(19):return
  89. 168 printchr$(19):poke53280,z:poke53281,z1:return
  90. 236 open15,8,15:input#15,u,v$:print#15,"i"
  91. 238 ifu=0thenclose15:return
  92. 240 printchr$(147):printu,v$
  93. 241 printchr$(17)" press any key to continue"chr$(19)
  94. 242 close15:wait197,4:poke198,0:return